Alkaline Water Systems: Are They Worth the Investment?

Alkaline water in El Paso has gained a ton of popularity. However, its quick rise in popularity has many people wondering if it’s actually any good or if it’s just another trend. We will examine what alkaline water is, how it’s created, and its benefits. 

If you are interested in adding an alkaline system to your home or business, Home Water Services in El Paso is the team for you. Contact us online or call (915) 881-3238 today.

What is an Alkaline Water System? 

Many view El Paso alkaline water systems as the latest and greatest in water filtration technology. Alkaline water systems work by taking normal water, which has a slightly acidic pH level, and changing it to a more alkaline level. This process makes water less acidic and more alkaline, which proponents believe has health benefits. 

In addition to making water more alkaline, these systems also perform the duties of a traditional water filtration system. This includes removing unwanted contaminants, particles, and debris from your water supply and removing bacteria to make your drinking water safe. 

Additionally, rather than removing minerals from water, alkaline water filters actually put minerals back into it. This includes putting magnesium, calcium, and potassium back into your water supply for consumption. 

How do Alkaline Water Systems Work? 

The main thing that alkaline water systems do to distinguish them from other whole-house filters is that they put minerals back into your water. Here’s how the overall process works: 

  1. The alkaline filter first catches any dirt, contaminants, and particles in your water supply. 
  2. The filtration system then uses an activated charcoal filter to remove chlorine and improve the taste of the water. 
  3. Alkaline filters also have a built-in water softener that uses ion exchange to slightly soften the water. 
  4. Your water then goes through a reverse osmosis process to remove arsenic, bacteria, and other contaminants. 
  5. Following reverse osmosis, minerals get pumped back into the water, including magnesium and potassium. 
  6. Your water goes through a final activated carbon filter to remove any remaining contaminants. 

This six-step filtration process creates clean, healthy, and safe alkaline drinking water. 

How Much Do Alkaline Water Systems Cost? 

The biggest knock against alkaline water systems is that they can be expensive. However, this is because an alkaline filter is essentially like having six different filters. Total costs will vary from one installer to another, but alkaline water systems typically cost more than traditional whole-house filters. 

What are the Benefits of Alkaline Water? 

The main reason that people are willing to invest in alkaline water systems is because of their suspected benefits, including: 

  • Balancing the body’s pH levels 
  • Reducing digestive distress
  • Increasing important minerals in the body 
  • Better tasting water 
  • Cleaner and better water for food preparation, washing dishes, and laundry

Alkaline Water in El Paso

If you think an alkaline water system is right for you, Home Water Services is here to help. We offer a wide range of whole-house filtration systems, with alkaline filters being just one of our options. Call (915) 881-3238 today.