The Importance of Water Treatment Systems for Safe Drinking Water

Depending on where you live in the Southwest, the only way to have safe drinking water at home is with residential water treatment systems. El Paso is one of these places. The water in most places is riddled with contaminants, including bacteria, pollutants, minerals, and metals, and the only way to remove them is with water treatment systems. 

If you are interested in adding a quality water treatment system to your home or business, Home Water Services is here to help. Contact us online or call (915) 881-3238 today.

Different Types of Water Treatment Systems

There are several different types of home water treatment systems to choose from, including: 

  • Whole house water softeners – Great for removing hard minerals and metals and softening your water. 
  • Alkaline water filters – Changes the pH level of your water to make it more basic. 
  • Reverse osmosis – One of the most popular whole house water treatment systems available, and is often used specifically for drinking water. 
  • Activated carbon and UV filters – Other solid options when you need whole house filtration, but don’t want a reverse osmosis system. 

Reach out to us to learn more and to find out which water treatment system in El Paso is right for you. 

Potential Impacts of Contaminated Water

Contaminated water can have a negative impact on your health as well as various components in your home. Here’s a quick rundown of how contaminated water can impact you: 

  • Pollutants, viruses, and bacteria in your water can cause a wide range of water-borne sicknesses and illnesses.
  • Some conditions, such as typhoid fever, cholera, and dysentery, are serious enough that they can cause death or hospitalization. 
  • If you need to take time off work for sickness or suffer more serious consequences, it will affect your livelihood and family. 
  • Hard minerals and metals in water can cause discoloration on your clothing, dishes, and water fixtures. 
  • Metals and minerals can also clog and corrode your water lines, causing plumbing issues. 
  • Contaminated water will eventually make it back into the ecosystem and can cause contamination of the world around you. 

The Role of Water Treatment Systems in Preventing Contamination 

The government does what it can to protect the water in your community with water treatment plants. However, it can only do so much, and often isn’t enough to prevent the calamities mentioned above. Therefore, it’s up to each individual in El Paso to treat and purify the water in their homes because if you don’t take care of it, no one will. 

That’s where El Paso water treatment systems come into play. Any water that enters your home goes through the treatment system and gets purified before it actually gets used. This applies to drinking water from your kitchen sink, water in your dishwasher, and water in your washing machine or water heater. 

Water Treatment Systems in El Paso

If you want to add a water treatment system to your home, we’re the team for the job. From reverse osmosis to water softeners to specialty filtration, we have the water treatment systems for you! Call (915) 881-3238 today.