Understanding pH Levels: How Alkaline Water Differs from Regular Water

If you are at all worried about the type of water you put into your body, you’ve probably heard of alkaline water. Although the concept has been around for a while, alkaline water is becoming one of the most popular water-drinking options for people concerned about their health. If you’re skeptical about what El Paso alkaline water is, its health benefits, and how it’s different from regular water, you’ve come to the right place. 

If you are interested in upgrading your El Paso water system to provide healthier and cleaner water, Home Water Services can help. Contact us online or call (915) 881-3238 to learn more.

What are Water pH Levels? 

Before you can understand what El Paso alkaline water is, you first have to know how water pH works. The pH scale is a scale that measures the acidity level of water and other materials. The lower the pH of something is, the more acidic it will be. Conversely, the higher the pH level is, the more basic or alkaline it will be. How acidic or alkaline water is depends on how much calcium, potassium, iron, and magnesium is in the water. 

What is Alkaline Water? 

On the pH scale mentioned above, 7 is the perfect medium. Any water that has a pH level higher than 7 is considered alkaline, and any water with a pH level lower than 7 is considered acidic. In general, most regular drinking water has a pH level of 6.8 to 7.2, with 7 being the average. In order to be considered alkaline water, it must have a pH of 8 to 9 or even higher, but increased alkalinity doesn’t necessarily make the water better. 

What’s the Difference Between Alkaline Water and Regular Water?

The difference between alkaline water and regular drinking water is a matter of one or two points on the pH scale. Alkaline water has a pH of 8 to 9, whereas regular drinking water is right around 7. 

Additionally, alkaline water will also contain more alkaline minerals than regular drinking water. This includes more magnesium, calcium, and potassium, as well as a higher negative oxidation-reduction potential. As a result, alkaline water has a less antioxidant effect than regular water. 

Health Benefits of Alkaline Water 

Because it is less acidic than regular drinking water and contains more alkaline minerals, there are many who believe that alkaline water is healthier than regular water. Here are some of the reasons this could be true: 

  • Alkaline water can counteract the acidity of the bloodstream, which could lead to less risk of heart disease and cancer. 
  • Alkaline water has more antioxidants than regular water because of the extra minerals. 
  • Helps reduce the risk and effect of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. 
  • Healthier stool and improved DNA aging markers. 
  • Alkaline water helps blood flow through the body more effectively by making it less viscous 

Get Alkaline Water in El Paso Today

If you want to take part in the health benefits of alkaline water, consider installing a whole-house alkaline filter in your home. That way, you have alkaline drinking water on demand, not to mention less acidic water for cleaning, showering, and washing purposes. Call (915) 881-3238 today to learn more.